About me - A Generalist by nature

I am a family physician, who chose medicine over music in my 20's. Now that I have retired I have the chance to live my "road not taken."

Generalists are born, not made. All my life, I have explored a wide range of disparate interests from fixing pianos to programming an electronic medical record.

I spent my working life teaching and practicing family medicine as a professor, first at University of Ottawa, then at University of Toronto. I retired from medicine in June 2024 at the age of 77, after 45 years of practice.

I maintain an interest in clinical dilemmas, ethical decision making, and medical advances in the area of computer application in medical care, medical terminologies, and electronic medical records. This is what I write about.

Since retiring from medicine I have concentrated my time on music composition, playing French Horn in an orchestra, and jamming on guitar and banjo with friends in a longstanding song circle in Toronto.

Throughout photography has been a dedicated hobby.

And above all, I am a very proud grandfather of 10!

This site is for you to experience my orchestral compositions,
and musings about medicine.